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Parent Information

At Roxburgh Homestead we aim for our students to reach their academic, social, emotional and physical potential and be well prepared for life in an ever changing world. To achieve this we provide high quality education programs delivered within a safe, supportive and caring learning environment where students are challenged and motivated to be independent learners.

As a parent you have a significant role to play in your child’s education. We trust that you will join us in the challenge to provide your children with the very best learning opportunities. This can be achieved by participating in school activities and contributing your thoughts, ideas and opinions. Your input is not only appreciated – it is highly valued.

We have the opportunity to develop a school that is recognised for its commitment to quality education and service to its community. We can achieve this by working together in a co-operative and supportive manner and being focused upon the goals we have set for ourselves.

Teresa Stone

Absences and Early Dismissa
| Assemblies | Assessment and Reporting | Attendance/Punctuality |
Booklists / Parent Contributions
| Bookstore | Bulletin | Canteen | Car Park | Class Structures |
Curriculum Days
| Emergency Information | Excursions | Grounds Supervision | Hats | Illness |
Diseases | Lost Property | Medication | Out of School Hours Program | Parent Assistance | School Council | School Times | Student Welfare and Behaviour Management | Term Dates 2006 |
| Visitors | Wet Days | Working Bees
Absences and Early Dismissal  

Please report to the office for an “Early Dismissal Slip” if your child is to leave school early. The slip is to be given to the classroom teacher. In such circumstances a responsible adult should collect the child from the classroom. Children leaving school early must be “signed out” at the Office by the person collecting them. return to top


A school assembly is held every Monday morning on the basketball courts with parents most welcome to attend. In addition to these assemblies, “Funky Friday” is presented at least twice a year. “Funky Friday” provides the students with an opportunity to perform in front of an audience and share some of their work in the Arts with other members of the school community. Parents are welcome and notified through the Parent Bulletin(School Newsletter) when these are to occur and which grades will perform. return to top

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and Reporting of student progress at Roxburgh Homestead Primary School consists of three main components.

The first component is the written report that parents receive twice a year.

Secondly, are the student led conferences. These conferences allow the students to share their progress with their parents and celebrate their successes. It also allows the students to set goals for their learning for the future.

More informal interviews can be conducted at a mutually convenient time. Parents are welcome to discuss issues of concern with staff, however teachers are unable to speak with parents during class time when they are responsible for their students. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher please arrange an appropriate time with the class teacher before or after school. return to top


Notification is required by the school for all student absences which must be recorded with the reason. Notification should be in the form of a written note to the teacher or a doctor’s certificate. Direct contact with the teacher by the parent is also acceptable. Prolonged absences (absences longer than 3 days) should be made to the office.

Make sure your child arrives on time for school. Being late can often upset the child and cause disruption to classroom programs. Records of late arrival are noted and maintained along with those for absences. To minimise interruptions, our policy determines that when children are late arriving to their classrooms they will be asked to wait in a designated part of the room until the teacher has got the classroom program underway. This is not intended as a punishment for the student who is late as it would be unfair to punish the children for something that is often out of their control. The purpose of the exercise is simply to avoid the interruption to learning for others. return to top

Booklists / Parent Contributions

Information regarding Booklists and Parent contributions will be sent out to families during Term 4 for the following year. The information details the costing, dates for payment and collection of the booklist pack. Parents who are in receipt of the Education Maintenance Allowance will be advised of how payment can be made through this allowance.

Please note the all Prep supplies are kept in storage by the classroom teacher and are given out as required. Pencils, textas, crayons and glue are shared by all students. return to top


Please be advised the school does have a Bookstore for students requiring materials during the year. The Bookstore is located in the staff room and is open each morning from 9.00 – 9.15am. return to top


A fortnightly Bulletin is published to keep parents informed of school activities, organisational details, newsworthy items and a calendar of upcoming events. It is usually sent home on a Thursday and may include examples of student’s work or reports. From time to time additional notices will be attached to the Bulletin, so keep an eye out! The bulletin is also available on line on this site. return to top


The school has an excellent canteen facility that operates each school day. A canteen price list will be sent home to each family early in the year and will be available from the office. Lunch orders should be sent along to school in a paper bag with your child’s class and room number clearly indicated and the correct amount of money enclosed. The canteen is open at morning recess and lunch time for the children to purchase snacks. return to top

Car Park

As a matter of safety, children are not allowed in the staff car park. Parents are also asked not to walk through this area. The carpark is for staff parking and deliveries only. Parents are not permitted to use the carpark. (Parking for disabled excepted.) return to top

Class Structures

Class structures are developed after taking into consideration the number of students in each year level. The structure maybe subject to change due to the fluctuations in enrolment numbers which is to be expected in a school situated in a growing area. return to top

Curriculum Days

Government schools are allocated 4 pupil free days per year for the purpose of planning, reporting and professional development. Parents are well informed about these days with sufficient notice provided well in advance. Full day care is offered on these days for students who are enrolled in the Out of School Hours Program. return to top

Emergency Information

Emergency contact details are compiled from information given at the time of your child’s admission to school. Please advise the school if at any time the emergency information changes. return to top


Excursions are a very important part of the classroom program, planned particularly as an extension or reinforcement of classroom activities. It is vital that parents make every effort to ensure that their child attends these activities. Parents will receive a notice explaining the activity, the cost involved and a permission form. The form must be signed and returned with any money in a sealed cash envelope, to the classroom teacher before the excursion is undertaken, to enable their child to participate. return to top

Grounds Supervision

The school grounds are supervised from 8.45 am until 9.00 am, 3.15 pm until 3.30 pm and during recess and lunch time breaks. If for some reason you are delayed in picking up your child, please contact the school. It is strongly suggested that children arrive at school between 8.45 am and 9.00 am in the morning as the grounds are not supervised before this time. return to top


The wearing of school hats is compulsory in Terms 1 and 4. Children not wearing hats during a recess will be directed to sit in a specific place in the shade. Only legionnaire or broad brimmed hats are acceptable. return to top


If your child is unwell the best place is at home. The school does have a sick bay but this is for emergencies only. Parents will be contacted should a child become ill or have an accident at school. Arrangements will need to be made for the child to be picked up. return to top

Infectious Diseases

There are a number of diseases which require exclusion from school. The School Information Manual issued by the Department of Education & Training ( DET ) contains specific detail. Should you require information in regard to a specific disease please contact the office. return to top

Lost Property

There are 3 lost property containers. One is located outside the music room, one outside Room 7 and also one in the Gym. To make it easier for the identification of lost property please clearly label your child’s clothing. At the end of each term the unclaimed articles of clothing will be donated to a charity, and suitable uniforms will be resold. return to top


Communication with teachers is vital regarding medication and student illness. If medication is required it is preferable for parents to visit the school and administer it personally. However, medication can be administered by office staff. This must be clearly labelled with the dosage and time to be given. It will be kept in the sick bay and administered as required. A register of this information will be maintained. The school employs a First Aid Officer who is available during all recesses and lunchtimes. return to top

Out of School Hours Program

An Out of School Hours Program runs on a daily basis. The Before School Program begins at 6.30am and the After School Program finishes at 6.15pm. The Program is also offered on Curriculum and Pupil Free Days. Contact Margaret on 0417 594 511 for further information. return to top

Parent Assistance

Roxburgh Homestead Primary School welcomes the assistance of parents and you may help in a variety of ways:

  • Classrooms – hearing reading, covering and/or making books, making aids, typing stories, Early Years Literacy and Numeracy sessions.
  • School Council
  • School Committees
  • Attending excursions
  • Library assistance – eg book covering
  • Coaching sport

If you are able to help in any of these or other ways, please see your child’s teacher or the Principal.
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School Council

School Council is an elected group of parents and teachers and the Principal. It is the governing body of the school and makes many decisions regarding school policy, management and budgets. Elections are held annually.

School Council usually meets twice a term on a Monday evening. Parents are welcome to attend School Council meetings as observers. For further information about becoming a School Council member please contact the Principal. return to top

School Times

School commences 9.00 am
Morning Recess 11.00 am – 11.30 am
Lunch in Rooms 1.15 pm – 1.25 pm
Lunch 1.25 pm – 2.10 pm
School finishes 3.15 pm

From the beginning of the school year, and for the month of February, the Prep students will attend school from 9.00 – 3.15 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Parents are requested to wait for their children in the courtyard, outside the school buildings to avoid congestion in the corridors. Prep students do not attend school on the Wednesdays during February. This time is allocated for individual interviews and assessment. Parents will be notified of their time in early February. return to top

Student Welfare and Behaviour Management

  • School Rules

It is expected that you will discuss and explain school rules to your children

  1. School should be happy, safe and free from dangerous or annoying behaviour such
    as fighting, bullying, swearing, disruption of classes etc.
  2. We should treat one another with respect and be well mannered and polite.
  3. Children should not bring unsafe or inappropriate toys (guns, knives, swords, etc) or valuable articles to school. Stones, sticks or any other dangerous objects must not be played with in the school grounds.
  4. Building and school grounds must be kept clean and attractive and free from litter at all times.
  5. To ensure that adequate supervision is provided, students must keep to designated play areas only. Ball games and running are not permitted in the courtyard.
  6. Children are not permitted in the school buildings at recesses without permission. return to top
  • 3 Steps

This program provides students with basic strategies to assist them in the playground. These strategies are learned, practised and reinforced through role plays in the classroom.

  • Hot Seat

Hot seats (blue in colour) are used for students involved in incidents where they are endangering others or themselves eg physical contact, throwing objects or being in an out of bounds area. They are in the courtyard, outside the art room and near the gym. return to top

  • Welfare Support Programs

The school employs a Student Welfare Co-ordinator who implements specific programs as well as providing individual support and counselling. These programs are welfare based. Two of the programs offered to students are Grief and Loss (death, separation and divorce) and Buddies (establishing friendships). These programs are conducted during school time, one session per week for 8 weeks. return to top

Term Dates 2006

1st Term : 31st January – 10th March
2nd Term: 27th March – 16th June
3rd Term : 3rd July – 15th September
4th Term : 2nd October – 21st December

Preps will commence school on Thursday 2nd February 2006 at 9:00am. return to top


The school has a uniform which every child is expected to wear. Uniform items may be purchased through the school uniform shop at very reasonable prices. Order forms are available from the General Office. School uniform is compulsory. Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled.

The School Uniform Shop is open every Monday morning between 9.00 – 9.30am. It is located behind the School Gym. return to top


Visitors to the school are required to sign in and collect a pass from the General Office before moving in or around the school. When leaving they must sign out. return to top

Wet Days

On days of inclement weather when students cannot be sent outside they are supervised in their classrooms. Normal dismissal times apply. return to top

Working Bees

From time to time working bees will be held when you will be invited to assist in maintaining and improving your school. Energetic and dedicated parents are in great demand. Watch out for dates in the Bulletin.

Parents who are unable to attend the working bees can still assist by donating $10.00 towards the school.

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