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Discipline Based Learning:

In Term three Prep students were introduced to the following literacy concepts:
• Hearing sounds in words and selecting appropriate spelling choices to represent sounds
• High frequency words – words commonly used in our language
• Comprehension – ensuring that students understand what they are reading
• Punctuation

When writing, Prep students will be encouraged to concentrate on:
• High Frequency Words
• Composing sentences with correct directionality, spacing and letter formation
• Hearing and recording sounds in words using the THRASS chart


Mathematics is taught on a daily basis. In Number, students will continue to count and order objects up to 20 and beyond, place objects in order from first to tenth, use calculators to investigate number patterns and use materials to solve simple addition problems. In Space, students will recognise and sort simple two and three dimensional shapes. In Measurement, students will learn about the continuity of time (such as day, night, yesterday, today, tomorrow) and correctly sequence the days of the week. Students will informally measure mass (weight) and capacity. They will use descriptive terms such as ‘heavier’, ‘lighter’, ‘holds more’, ‘holds less’ to compare objects.
Integrated Studies:

During Term three Prep students learning about ‘My Senses’ and ‘Being Safe’. These units were aimed at extending children’s understandings of their immediate environment.

In week 3 of term 3, preps celebrated coming to school for 100 days. We have worked so hard and learnt so much this year that we decided to acknowledge this wonderful achievement. During this special week, every prep grade was involved in activities related to this event. The children completed a Home Project. The project involved making a creation using 100 items. The children then had the opportunity to present their project to the whole grade. We hope you enjoy our wonderful work!

Reading, writing, speaking and listening is taught on a daily basis. Literacy sessions involve the reading and writing of a variety of text types to broaden vocabulary and comprehension.

As part of our classroom Literacy program, each Grade One student has their own individualised book packs with ‘at level’ books for them to independently read. Once a student has been introduced to a text during a guided reading session with their teacher, the book is added to their familiar reading pack. Our focus is to develop the students’ fluency and improve their comprehension. The students also use the familiar text to complete reading activities during the Reading block. They love having their own collection of books to read and discuss.

To further support our focus on reading fluency and comprehension, the Grade One team have recently adjusted our home reading program. Each student now gets an assigned day of the week to borrow 5 books to take home and read for the next week. This has given our students ownership over the text they choose to read and the opportunity to read the books more often. This has improved their word recognition skills, comprehension and fluency.

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